Monday, 11 November 2013

Today we reset the “PALEO” button. These numbers will be tested again after the Paleo challenge to track your progress.

Back Squat 5-3-2-1-1

Skinny “Cindy” (10 min)
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Air squats
Post number of rounds to comments.

3+ Hours Before or After CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD
Single-Sport (SS)
Choose ONE of the following sports:
Swim (TUE): Repeat :60 on, :30 off until form/pace deteriorates
Bike (TUE): Repeat :60 on, :30 off until form/pace deteriorates
Run (TUE): Repeat :60 on, :30 off until form/pace deteriorates
Row (TUE): Repeat :60 on, :30 off until form/pace deteriorates
Ruck (TUE): Repeat :60 on, :30 off until form/pace deteriorates , 50# Ruck/Boots/Utes
Post sport, times, and total number of intervals to comments.
Multi-Sport (3S)
Choose ONE of the following sports:
Swim (WED): Repeat :60 on, :30 off until form/pace deteriorates
Bike (MON): Repeat :60 on, :30 off until form/pace deteriorates
Run (TUE): Repeat :60 on, :30 off until form/pace deteriorates
Post sport, times, and total number of intervals to comments.



4 Responses

  1. Power clean (heavy singles)

    -10min AMRAP
    -5 pull ups
    -10 push ups
    -15 air squats

    8rds+2pull ups

  2. Hatch wk 7, day 1
    Strength: power clean 70×5, 80×5 (practise jump shrug)

    10mins skinny Cindy
    5 ring-pull-ups
    10 push-ups
    15 air squats

    7rds + 3 air squats

  3. Back Squat 5-3-2-1-1
    -110, 130, 150, 190, 195pr

    WOD Skinny “Cindy” (10 min)
    5 Pull ups
    10 Push ups
    15 Air squats
    – 6rds + 5 push ups

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