Saturday, 11 April 2015

Technique: Freestanding Handstand Push Up


Team WOD: teams of 3

20 min AMRAP

TIMER: 7 Deadlifts 185/155#

DB Snatch 22.5/12.5kg

Barbell box step ups 75/45#


Single Sport Endurance Workout

Choose ONE of the following sports

Swim (SUN): 1200m TT

Bike (SUN): 15M TT

Run (SUN): 5k TT

Row (SUN): 5k TT

Ruck (SUN): 5M TT


Multi-Sport Endurance Workout

Perform each workout on the day listed

Swim (SUN): 1200m @ 80-85%

Bike (OFF): OFF

Run (SAT or SI): 45:00 @ 80-85%



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