Saturday, 18 October 2014

Project DANA: Runninghour

2 Rds, 90 seconds per station

–       Row (cal)

–       Burpees

–       Front Squat 135/95#

–       KBS 1.5/1pd

–       Pull ups

90 second rest between rounds

All funds raised are donated to Runninghour.


ENDURANCE WOD: (from CF Endurance)

Perform Strength & Conditioning Recovery if needed.

Single-Sport (SS)

Choose ONE of the following sports:

Swim (SUN): 1600m @ 80% 1200m TT pace

Bike (SUN): 15M @ 80% 10M TT pace

Run (SUN): 10k @ 80% 5k TT pace

Row (SUN): 5k @ 80% 2k TT pace

Ruck (SUN): 10M @ 80% 8M TT pace, 55# Ruck/Boots/Utes

Post sport and time to comments.

Multi-Sport (3S)

Swim (SUN): 1200m TT

Bike (OFF): OFF

Run (SAT or SI): 10k TT

Post sport and time to comments.



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