Saturday, 12 October 2013

Combined WOD @ Enduro
In teams of 4:
Complete 5,000m Row
800ft OH walking lunge 45/25#
100 GI Janes
Post time to comments.


Perform Strength & Conditioning Recovery if needed.
Single-Sport (SS)
Choose ONE of the following sports:
Swim (SUN): 1000m @ 80% 500m TT pace
Bike (SUN): 20k @ 80% 15k TT pace
Run (SUN): 5M @ 80% 5k TT pace
Row (SUN): 5k @ 80% 2k TT pace
Ruck (SUN): 10M @ 80% 10k TT pace, 55# Ruck/Boots/Utes
Post sport and time to comments.
Multi-Sport (3S)
Swim (SAT): 1000m @ 80% 500m TT pace
Bike (SUN): 20k @ 80% 15k TT pace
Run (OFF): OFF
Post sport, time, or distance to comments.



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