Tuesday, 16 October 2012


Box squat 50% 2 x 12



3 Rounds

7 OHS 115/95#

9 T2B

250 m Row

Post time to comments.



3+ Hours Before or After CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD or Perform Strength & Conditioning Recovery.

Single-Sport (SS)

Choose ONE of the following sports:

Swim (TUE): 25 x 25m on 0:45, hold splits within 2-3 seconds

Bike (TUE): 6 x 1/2M, spin/rest 1:30, hold splits within 2-3 seconds

Run (TUE): 6 x 150 m/y Shuttle Sprint on 2:00

C2 Row (TUE): 8 x 250m, rest 1:00, hold splits within 2-3 seconds

Ruck (TUE): 8 x 400m with 20# ruck/vest, rest 2:00, hold splits within 2-3 seconds

150 m/y Shuttle Sprint: Mark off 25 m/y. Complete 3 total laps (down and back = one lap) to equal 150 m/y. Rest remainder of 2:00 and repeat.

Post sport and times to comments.

Multi-Sport (3S)

Choose ONE of the following sports:

Swim (MON): 10 x 50m on 1:15, hold splits within 2-3 seconds

Bike (WED): 6 x 1/2M, spin/rest 1:30, hold splits within 2-3 seconds

Run (TUE): 6 x 150 m/y Shuttle Sprint on 2:00

150 m/y Shuttle Sprint: Mark off 25 m/y. Complete 3 total laps (down and back = one lap) to equal 150 m/y. Rest remainder of 2:00 and repeat.

Post sport and times to comments.




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