Friday, 31 August 2012


OHS 3-3-3-3-3



“Mark-OH Polo!”

Five rounds for time of:

12 Deadlifts, 115/75 #

9 Hang Power Cleans, 115/75 #

6 Push Jerks, 115/75 #

Post time to comments.



3+ Hours Before or After CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD.

Single-Sport (SS)

Choose ONE of the following sports:

Max Effort Hill Sprints “At Speed”

Swim (THU): 10 x 30 seconds all-out sprint using paddles and buoy, rest 2:00 between each rep, begin each effort from a dive if possible

Bike (THU): 10 x 30 seconds all-out hill sprint rest 2:00 between each rep, if using a trainer/erg utilize heavy tension

Run (THU): 10 x 30 seconds all-out hill sprint rest 2:00 between each rep

C2 Row (THU): 10 x 30 seconds all-out hill sprint, rest 2:00 between each rep, damper setting is athlete’s choice

At Speed: For bike, run, row, and ruck come into each sprint “at speed” to maximize 30 seconds

Post sport, incline and distances to comments.

Multi-Sport (3S)

Choose ONE of the following sports:

Max Effort Hill Sprints “At Speed”

Swim (FRI): 10 x 30 seconds all-out sprint using paddles and buoy, rest 2:00 between each rep, begin each effort from a dive if possible

Bike (SAT or Tempo): 10 x 30 seconds all-out hill sprint rest 2:00 between each rep, if using a trainer/erg utilize heavy tension

Run (SUN or TT): 10 x 30 seconds all-out hill sprint rest 2:00 between each rep

At Speed: For bike and run come into each rep at full speed to maximize 30 seconds.

Post sport, incline and distances to comments.



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